Heartfelt Engagement: Addressing Loneliness and Dementia

Lori La Bey talks with the co-founders of Memory Keepers. Cheryl Kinney is a licensed clinical social worker, certified life coach, teacher, and therapist with over 35 years of experience working with older adults and caregivers, including 24 years at the Alzheimer’s Association. 

Britt Lueken’s passion for working with older adults started when she began caring for her grandmother with Alzheimer’s. She is a licensed social worker, former Montessori teacher, executive non-profit leader, and entrepreneur.  

Addressing Loneliness and Dementia


  1. What is Psychotherapy and what are your beliefs around it?
  2. Do you hold or recognize stigma regarding your mental health or those you care for?
  3. How to reduce or remove isolation and loneliness.
  4. What situations trigger an emotional loss for you and those you care for?
  5. Definition of cognitive stimulation.
  6. What does meaningful engagement mean?  How does it differ from daily activities?
  7. Examples of social prescribing and the benefits of it.

Addressing Loneliness and Dementia

Addressing Loneliness and Dementia

Contact Memory Keepers


Website  https://memorykeepers.org/

LinkedIn   https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittanylueken/

Facebook   https://www.facebook.com/memorykeepersllc

Instagram   https://www.instagram.com/memorykeepersllc/

YouTube   https://www.youtube.com/@memorykeepers2984

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Maude’s Awards gives three annual $25,000 awards to organizations and up to five $5,000 awards to individuals excelling in one of four categories of care for persons living with dementia and care partners.

Applications have closed for 2024, but we will let you know when the winners are announced. In the meantime, check out Maude’s Awards now so you don’t miss out next year!


Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at https://www.alzheimersspeaks.com/

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