A Special Gift from a Friend to My Mother in End Stages of Alzheimer’s
In my previous post I shared with you a video of my friend Janelle Johnson, who is the Director of the Prelude Campus in Woodbury, singing to my Mother for the holidays. I was taken back by her generosity but did not hesitate to say “YES!” I knew my Mother would love it and this video is proof of that. Music always awakens her. I thought I would share some still photos as well which capture the various “moments” in time as Mom listened and interacted with Janelle. I hope you enjoy wonderful holiday gift not only was my Mother given, but it is one I will forever be able to cherish.


If you would like more information on the Prelude Campus where Janelle works please see below for contact information.   Prelude is an amazing housing and care concept for people with Alzheimer’s.
707 Commerce Drive, Suite 410
Woodbury, MNÂ 55125
651-501-6500Â info@emmausco.com