A Valentine That Filled My Heart
I want to wish each of you a wonderful Valentines Day.
Many of you reading this are lucky to have that very special someone at your side. To you I say, “Cheers and may you appreciate the many blessings in your life.”
For those of you who have lost the love of your life, or maybe never found one or who may be dealing with dementia and feel your relationships have changed, even changed a lot; to you I say “You are not alone! You are loved and lifted by others just like you. They may not be in your home or even in your community, but they too have experienced loss and love and don’t want you to feel alone. So know deep down you are never alone. There are other people just like you in the world who care about you.“

The Graphic above is a beautiful handmade card I received from one of the many people I have had the honor to meet while building Alzheimer’s Speaks. A person I am lucky enough to call a dear friend.
Truthful Loving Kindness, a woman living with dementia, remembered me on this very special day and it touched my heart deeply. It reminded me that love and respect and acknowledging one another on Valentines Day doesn’t have to be limited to a spouse, a partner or a lover. We can, if we choose, let others in our life know that they matter to us. So thank you Tru for remembering me on Valentines and know you card made a big difference to me and your friendship means even more. May you have a blessed Valentines Day.
So reach out to your friends, extended family, coworkers, neighbors, fellow students… and wish them a Happy Valentines Day. Let them know they matter to you and have made a difference in your life.
And maybe, just maybe they will do the same to others and we can spread a wave of kindness around the world and make every person feel they matter and belong.
Wishing you each a blessed day filled with love – Lori La Bey
Dementia Quick Tips Launched January 10th, 2020 Lori La Bey Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks shares all the things she wished someone had told her while caring for her mother who lived with dementia for 30 years. These short video vignettes will be posted weekly. We hope you find them helpful. Please feel free to share with others.
Contact Lori La Bey with any questions you have.
We would love to here your thoughts and comments on this tip.
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites.

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Note: All shows on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio are accessible to listen to at anytime to once they go live – Enjoy.
Dementia Chats – Those Living with Dementia Talk Openly
Our topic is confusion when dealing with dementia. Our experts living with dementia give us wonderful real life examples of how and when confusion occurs in their lives and how they dealing with it. They talk about routines, anxiety, depression, executive function, cognitive crutches and so much more. Families, professionals along with others living with dementia will find this video very informative. Please feel free to share with others and subscribe to Alzheimer’s Speaks Youtube channel.

Upcoming Public Event Lori La Bey Will Be At

Book Your Next Event, Staff/Management or Family Training for 2020 & 2021 with Lori La Bey today! Consulting and Mentoring also Available.
See What Others Have Say About Lori La Bey
I want to echo the thanks and appreciation of my colleagues… Your presentations were movingly authentic, fully engaging and wonderfully informative. Thank you for all that you are doing, and all that you’ve done for us!
Carla Koehl, Director of Community Relations – Artis Senior Living of Lexington
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA

Parental Dementia – A guide through all the difficult questions. Author Keith Galas, is an Executive Director with 20 years’ experience and has helped families with all their difficult questions. Every chapter in the book covers a question he gets most from families.
Parental Dementia – A guide through all the difficult questions is available through Amazon, Walmart and Barnes and Noble, but if you go to www.parentaldementia.com all Alzheimer’s Speaks listeners can get a discount by using the code word, Lori.
Available in eBook now as well
Juggling Dementia Care &
Finding Balance
Downloadable Tips Below