Alzheimer’s – A Great New Film: Ten Glorious Seconds




A powerful new film highlighting the frustrations and joys of a wife trying to connect with her husband with advanced dementia is launched today (Friday 11 February) at


Ten Glorious Seconds stars Emmy-award winning actor David Suchet, best known for his role as Agatha Christie’s Poirot, and veteran British actors Paul Collard and Gabrielle Hamilton.

The production has been supported by healthcare company Bupa with director of dementia care, Dr Graham Stokes, featuring in a special film alongside the main feature, offering advice to people on how to connect with loved ones in the advanced stages of the disease.

Written by Carol Younghusband and Directed by the BBC’s Simon Pitts, Ten Glorious Seconds is privately financed by individual donors in the UK, the US and worldwide.

Simon Pitts, director of Ten Glorious Seconds says:

“I read the script and immediately recognised the beauty and importance of it. Albert sees his wife Josie visit his care room every day.  But he no longer knows who she is.  We see him search his memories to try to understand.”

Dr Graham Stokes, director of dementia care at Bupa care homes says:

“Caring for someone with advanced dementia can be challenging, but helping people to find ways to connect with their loved ones, if only for a brief period, is immensely rewarding.

“We care for thousands of people with dementia in our care homes and often see the frustrations of relatives trying to communicate with their mother or father who appears very different to the person they thought they knew. Taking the time to identify a person’s key moments and happy memories in life is a starting point for reigniting feelings of connection and wellbeing.”

Ten Glorious Seconds was filmed at Bupa’s The Springs care home in Malvern.

To watch Ten Glorious Seconds, visit

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