Alzheimer’s & Dementia Health Club & Products For Those Diagnosed
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio
11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London Time
This is being replayed as it is a great information!
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio where the voice of all is heard and respected. We love sharing great resources, ideas, products, services, tools as well as hearing your thoughts and ideas. If you have something you think would help the dementia community lease contact me.
Ashley Kwong recognized a missing and very needed area in the health care industry. A Health Club for people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Come learn on how and why she created “Memory & Company.” You will see Ashley is a dedicated, empathetic person, who is very passionate about improving the lives of seniors, especially those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, dedicating her life to this cause.
Mail at: Memory & Company 100 Renfrew Dr. Suite 110, Markham Ontario, Canada L3R 9R6
Phone: 905-888-8808
Our second guests are Karen Love co-founder and Kelly Sheets of FIT Kits® which provide dementia engagement products that are research, tested and developed with the mission of helping people living with dementia to live more fully. FIT Kits® believes everyone has within them the ability to ignite the spirit in someone living with dementia.
There is no known cure for Alzheimer’s
But thanks to clinical trials, advances have been made. More medicines are needed to provide patients, caregivers and their physicians with treatment choices.
Click Below To See If You Qualify For A Trial
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For more information on Dementia and Caregiving
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