Alzheimer’s & Dementia Projects – Expanding Awareness & Education

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We go live Tuesday December 10th at:

11am EST,10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London time

All show are Archived for your easy listening pleasure

vivian green kornerOur first guest will be Vivian Green Korner from New Jersey. She will talk about her awareness project and the benefits and pitfalls she saw with her launch. Vivian is a Certified Dementia Care Practitioner and currently has a private practice assisting individuals with dementia and their family members through the caregiving process. She offers dementia care training to the healthcare professionals and presentations to communities as well.


Loretta VenyOur second guest is Loretta Woodward Veney, author of Being My Mom’s Mom. After learning that her mother Doris was the first female in her family to suffer from dementia, Loretta began documenting the details of doctor visits, and recording people, places and things as a substitute for lost memory. She chronicled family events through journals, photos and videos, to capture every moment. Loretta is a motivational teacher and trainer, who has conducted workshops throughout the US and Europe. She will give us a wealth of encouragement on the journey ahead.


Check Out Alzheimer’s Speaks Website for great information and resources. If you are a business that provides services to those dealing with dementia and caregiving, join our resource directory. It’s FREE



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