Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio Covid Special

Lori La Bey, host of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio facilitates a conversation with four different businesses serving those with dementia and they talk about how they have adapted during this time. Learn about some free services you can tap into along with general information of how to stay connected even if you and your loved one are apart. You will hear from Coro Health & Music First, Maria’s Place, Avinity Senior Living and the Percolator Resources.
Listen to the Radio Show Below

Percolator Resources – Beth Soltzberg


Avinity Senior Living – Denyse Ethridge
Phone: 612-861-2799
Address: 7645 Lyndale Avenue South, Suite 110
Richfield, MN 55423-4029

Maria’s Place – Maria Brady & Nichole Bontrager

Coro Health & Music First – Dave Schofman


Click Below To Watch Dementia Quick Tip #10

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Lori La Bey Can Help Your Organization Switch To Virtual Presentations For Staff Trainings, Family Support, Perspective Clients and Support Gatherings.
Dementia Chats – Those Living with Dementia Talk Openly
Do You Like to Sing, Humm or Dance?
The Next Sing-Along, Sing-Alone is May 28th, 2020 -2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London, 8pm South Africa and on the 6th at 5am in Australia AET
Instructions to Join May 28th Zoom Sing-a-Long Are Below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 9509 5391
Password: 489425
Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound information, not just sound bites since 2011.
Support Alzheimer’s Speaks work by Downloading the Song “Clarion Call” by the Mark Arneson Band featuring Mia Dorr on your favorite msuic APP.

See What Others Have Say About Lori La Bey
I want to echo the thanks and appreciation of my colleagues… Your presentations were movingly authentic, fully engaging and wonderfully informative. Thank you for all that you are doing, and all that you’ve done for us!
Carla Koehl, Director of Community Relations – Artis Senior Living of Lexington
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA
Downloadable Tips Below