As We Cheer in the New Year… Be Kind and Compassionate to Others
As we cheer in the New Year I ask that you please keep in mind that this time of year can be very difficult for many people. I like most have been one of those people though this year I’m feeling good about the new year. I know all too well not everyone is so lucky. Personally, I have several people close to me struggling. Maybe they have lost a loved one, or their goals and plans for 2018 didn’t turn out the way they had hoped, or maybe the sting of being alone has struck them deeply tonight.

It doesn’t matter who you are or if you do or you don’t feel like ringing in the new year with bells and whistle on. Just know deep in your heart you are loved just as you are and you do make a significant difference in this world. Also keep in mind, that you are not alone. Everyone’s feelings are fluid and always changing. That being said, know what you are feeling today will pass and change as well… for good and bad for highs and lows our emotional are forever evolving and that is what makes us human.

For those of you celebrating the new year with glee, please find compassion in your heart and actions for those who are not able to express happiness as 2018 rolls out and 2019 takes the stage. Know that none of us are on the high side of life all the time. Pray for and be kind to those who are struggling, as it could be you or someone you love next. Realize we all have more in common than we openly discuss, so be the person you would like to have stand by you if you were down.
I want to thank the Alzheimer’s Speaks community for their support and loyalty. And a special thank you to all of those living with dementia who participate in our Dementia Chats videos as they help so many people around the world better understand the symptoms and needs of those living with diagnosis. I also have to thank Eilon Caspi who co-facilitates Dementia Chats with me along with all those who have been a guest or cohost with me on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio and last but not least, the organizations, communities, businesses and individuals who have hired me to speak, train or consultant with them.
In closing I want to wish everyone a brilliant 2019. One that fills your heart and mind with joy. One that produces joyful moments that will stay with you in spirit throughout you life.
Cheers to 2019
May All Your Dreams Come True
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The above is a 50 minute show which shares a variety of ideas and concepts when living and dealing with dementia. Thank you John Gross for producing it.