Build a Better Brain: How to keep your Brain Active and Prevent Memory Loss

Build a Better Brain:

How to keep your Brain Active and Prevent Memory Loss

You can start anew with your brain power. In fact, you can start right now to take advantage of the proven fact that your brain can grow new cells, that you change your brain for the better, and that you can create strong nerve cell connections between your brain cells.

The fact that you can change your brain for the better is called plasticity and it means that your brain can adapt and the connections between brain cells can be strengthened as well. Another revolutionary and proven concept is neurogenesis, which means that you can grow new brain cells to make up for the loss of cells that occurs with age.

These are very powerful scientific facts that are very important as we all want to continue to lead the highest quality of life, for as long as possible.
Actually, the importance of having strong connections between brain cells is another gift that came to us courtesy of Albert Einstein, perhaps the most intelligent man in history. When Einstein died, his brain was examined under a microscope and what was seen was very impressive.

Einstein’s brain cells, or neurons, were normal. They were very similar to yours and mine. But what was so astonishing about his brain was that the connections between his brain cells, called astrocytes, were extra ordinary. The pathologist who did the work was astonished. She said she had never seen anything like that before.

The good news is that you can develop extra ordinary connections as well. How is that done? By using your brain in novel ways such as learning an art form, learning a new language, or even reading this newsletter and sharing with someone else. By building a better brain, you can lead the highest quality life as possible.

It is now a fact that you can prevent or delay memory loss. There are a number of activities, tools, and techniques that you can use to build a brain that can get younger. These include exercise, nutrition, and stress relaxation techniques. Stress relieving techniques, such as mind/body exercise, are also being proven to encourage brain plasticity or resilience.

One man who took advantage of these facts of using your brain and keeping it young, is an elderly man from England. Mr. Harry Bernstein was married for 67 years to his wife Ruby. But when she died in 2002 he almost lost his mind. He considered killing himself or, as he put it, “I wished I could join Ruby” and gave serious thought to “ways and means of doing it.”

So what saved his life? He started using his brain by writing and taking refuge from his pain by putting his memories down on paper, writing a book called The Invisible Wall: A Love Story that Broke Barriers. Harry used his brain and it saved his life.

You too can learn how to use your brain by following the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention™ Program, which will help you live long and well with a young mind. Find out more at

Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
President and Medical Director








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5 Replies to “Build a Better Brain: How to keep your Brain Active and Prevent Memory Loss”

  1. Great article about Neuroplasticity…that’s why I am an International Trainer for Ageless Grace…a fitness program for Body & BRAIN based on the Science of Neuroplasticity & Movement…in a chair for KIDZ! aged 5 – 105!. I will send this article to others who are “changing the model of aging.”!

    1. Thanks Peggy! Keep up the great work you are doing too. If you are not in our Alzheimer’s Speaks Resource Directory I encourage you to list yourself there. Please let me know if you are interested and I can send you instructions. It’s FREE and easy to do.


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