Building Dementia Friendly Businesses & Communities

Building Dementia Friendly

Businesses & Communities

family_caregivers_Unite_interview_112613_dementia_friendly_w_michael_and_loriClick above to listen to the radio show

Dr Gordon Atherley interviews

Michael Ellenbogen newest pic 102813Michael Ellenbogen was diagnosed with younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease in 2008. He founded the Michael Ellenbogen Movement.

Lori La Bey Founder of Alzheimer's Speaks
Lori La Bey Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks

Lori La Bey is the Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks an advocacy group in the US that provides education and support for those dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

The two explain what dementia friendly businesses and communities are and why they are so important.

They identify the challenges that dementia creates for persons, families, family caregivers, healthcare, social and justice systems, and communities, and explain how dementia friendly communities help in overcoming the challenges.

Michael and Lori share their messages for families who are concerned about the possibility of dementia challenges developing in their family members.

angel-world-logo-lge 100

Learn about the Purple Angel Project – the new global symbol for dementia.

Listen In!

For information on Michael Ellenbogen and his movement Click Here

 For information on Lori La Bey Click the logo below.


For information on the Family Caregivers Unite  Click Here.

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