Caring for a Person with Memory Loss Conference

Caring for a Person with Memory Loss

Save The Date 

The next free Caring for a Person with Memory Loss conference, to be held on Saturday, May 30th, 2015 from 8AM to 4:30PM in Mayo Memorial Auditorium at the University of Minnesota!  Topics for this year’s conference are still being finalized, and more details such as speaker information and program schedule will be made available in the upcoming weeks.  Registrants will receive an email from me in the coming months with detailed parking and driving instructions.

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues, clients, family members, and friends who may also wish to attend!   A PDF of the conference brochure and flyer will be available soon as well.  This conference is free to attendees who do not wish to receive CE credits.


As many of you know, this conference is made possible with the generous sponsorships and CE purchases of our many supporting organizations and attendees over the years.  In the past, many of you have asked how else you could help, and I am happy to announce that the Caring for a Person with Memory Loss conference is now accepting donations!  We prefer to receive donations via check; to make a donation (we accept any amount) please make the check out to The University of Minnesota Foundation, and in the “For” line it would be great if you could enter “CPWML conference.”  Please feel free to mail any donation checks to me prior to the conference at: Joe Gaugler, PhD, School of Nursing, University of Minnesota, 6-153 Weaver-Densford Hall, 1331, 308 Harvard Street S.E., Minneapolis, MN  55455.  Otherwise, we would be happy to accept donation checks the day of the conference or anytime thereafter.

All donations are tax deductible, and all proceeds will be used for the support of conference activities.  Thanks so much for considering!


Pre-registration is required.  To register for the conference please click on the following link (or cut and paste it into your internet browser):  Please make sure to fill out a new form for each person to be registered for the conference.


To receive 7.2 Minnesota Board of Nursing, 6.75 Minnesota Board of Social Work, 6.75 Minnesota Nursing Home Administration, or 6.75 Minnesota Board of Marriage and Family Therapy continuing education hours there is a $50 registration fee.  As in the past, non-nursing/social work professionals may also register to receive contact hours for use in their particular professional organizations, as a signed certificate of attendance will be provided to all who pay and register for CEs through the registration web site.  Please complete the online registration form (click on link above) to receive details on how to purchase CEs for these various organizations.

You must pay the $50 continuing education fee for each organization you would like contact hours from.

A signed certificate of attendance will be provided to all who pay and register for CEs through the registration web site and attend the full day of presentations.  Certificates will be handed out or emailed at the end of the conference and will not be distributed early or provided to those who are not able to attend the conference.

Refund Policy – If you need to cancel your registration, a refund will be issued if you cancel in writing to Dr. Gaugler at by May 16th, 2015 (2 weeks prior to the conference). If you cancel after this date, you will not be eligible for a refund.


We have several research studies where we are looking for participants!  Specific projects include that are immediately seeking participants include:

Our biggest current study, which is evaluating remote health monitoring technology (the eNeighbor) for persons with memory loss and family caregivers.  If participants are randomly assigned to the eNeighbor group, they get to use the technology for free for 18 months (a value of over $4000).

We are interested in determine the benefits of families utilizing an online personal health record when caring for a relative with memory loss.  Participants will be paid for monthly internet connection (if needed) and also for completing an initial, 6-month, and 1-year interview.  We are looking for family members of persons with memory loss to participate.

If you are interested in participating in any or both of these projects, or are willing to share these opportunities with others who may be interested, please contact me.

Finally, as always: if you have not done so already, please consider becoming a part of the University of Minnesota Caregiver Registry! Becoming part of the registry does not enroll you in any study, but it provides Dr. Gaugler with permission to contact you in the future about any upcoming opportunities to participate in his research as well other basic information. Filling out the University of Minnesota Caregiver Registry form should not take more than 5 minutes. If you have already done this for us and nothing has changed since you filled it out, there is no need to fill out another form. However, if something has changed since you last filled out a Registry form, please feel free to fill out a new form:

If you are a family member or friend who knows someone with memory loss or is helping them, please fill out the University of Minnesota Caregiver Registry-Family form:
If you are a professional who cares for persons with memory loss or their families, please fill out the University of Minnesota Caregiver Registry-Professional form:

We look forward to seeing you on May 30th!  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at or 612-626-2485.  More conference details will be updated in the coming weeks on our conference portal;

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