New Books Allow People with Dementia the Ability to Continue to Reading Listen Today, December 25th, 2018 at: 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST and…
The King and The Pawn – A Poem a Families Dementia Journey Poetry Expressing the Dementia Journey - The King and The Pawn
Cure vs Care… What Are Your Thoughts on Promises Made? Alzheimer's and Dementia the problem with promising a cure
Study of Deaths Pertaining to Dementia Resident to Resident Offers Insights to Inform Policy and Prevention Study of Deaths - Resident - to - Resident Incidents in Dementia
Some Hows and Whys To Keep Living & Loving Someone with Dementia Author Steve Bodansky on his book Love and Alzheimer's
Dementia Raw Talks with Alzheimer’s Speaks on their Model of Care Introspective Improv to Improve Communication with those living with Dementia
Finding the Light in Dementia Care with Dr. Jane M. Mullins A guide for family, friends and professional on caring for someone with dementia