Dementia Chats – Real People Talk Openly About Dementia

Real People Talk Openly About Dementia

Listen At Your Leisure

To Our Recorded Sessions…

It’s FREE, Friendly, and Educational

Click Here To Access the Webinar

September is Dementia & Alzheimer’s Month

September 15th, is Dementia Awareness Day

September 21st, is World Alzheimer’s Disease

4 Replies to “Dementia Chats – Real People Talk Openly About Dementia”

  1. I have early -onset Alzheimer’s And I agree we need to talk about it. I just moved and found that just in move it had an affect on my Alzheimer. Memory, spelling things like that

    1. HI Kaye
      Thanks for writing in. If you haven’t listened to the radio show or dementia chats I would recommend you check them both out. Here is a link to both. Tomorrow Monday the 10th Norrms McNamars from the UK will be on the radio show. If you don’t know Norrms you need to. He is amazing and has Lewy Body and is making big changes in the UK. He started Dementia Awareness Day known as DAD last year and it is now world wide! Here is the link to Norrms show tomorrow. All shows are archived.

      Dementia Chats is a free webinar series I host with Rick Phelps and Harry Urban who both have Alzheimer’s and Leeanne Chames who helps me facilitate.
      Here is the link to yesterdays webinar

      Here is where you can find info on upcoming programs and the archives

      Thanks again for writing and if there is anything specific you would like us to address please let me know


  2. Many people fear the idea of growing older; the idea of gray hair, the concern of not being able to drive, and the loss of senses such as hearing or seeing. One of the most prominent fears that we have, however, is the loss of our memory. Most people with Alzheimer’s are over age 65, and your chance of developing the disease doubles every five years after that. “We know that if you are 80 or older, your chances of getting Alzheimer’s are 50-50,” says Malaz Boustani, MD, MPH, a research scientist with the Indiana University Center for Aging Research.

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