Dementia Chats Webinar Recorded Session From October 8th, 2013

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You Asked For It, So Here Is The Recording!


Here’s what we talked about today:

Making a move big or small and understanding the impact
Ideas for builders and developers
Getting groups to work together
The launch of we think the first Dementia Friendly city

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The launch of a Dementia Friendly Town October 15th in Watertown, Wisconsin 8th, 2013 – Making a Move big or small – understanding impacts, Ideas for developers, Getting groups to work together, The launch of a Dementia Friendly Town October 15th in Watertown, Wisconsin. – See more at:
October 8th, 2013 – Making a Move big or small – understanding impacts, Ideas for developers, Getting groups to work together, The launch of a Dementia Friendly Town October 15th in Watertown, Wisconsin. – See more at:
October 8th, 2013 – Making a Move big or small – understanding impacts, Ideas for developers, Getting groups to work together, The launch of a Dementia Friendly Town October 15th in Watertown, Wisconsin. – See more at:

2 Replies to “Dementia Chats Webinar Recorded Session From October 8th, 2013”

  1. Interesting show. Moving and dementia care. Large or small. Which is better? Sorry Michael had to leave. I always enjoy his thoughts on this disease. I especially liked the advocate subject. I, without a doubt want a cure, but I think my advocate work everyday is spreading news on the disease, especially those who are lost every day to wandering. That should not be. Wasn’t crazy about all those tears, but that just tells me you folks are giving your all fighting this disease, and I thank you in memory of my dear friend Carol.My thanks to Michael, Harry, Lori and Eilon.

    1. HI Rose
      Thank you so much for watching Dementia Chats. I always learn so much myself! We hope to figure out what the issue is with Micheal’s connection. You are right he adds so much to the conversation. Yes and the tears, well they come sometimes with this disease. I’ve learned to let them have there place and than move on. Looking forward to going to Watertown, WI to launch the Memory Cafe and the Dementia Friendly Community!

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