Dementia – Is There Anything To Be Grateful For?


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Lori La Bey and her mother Dorothy Moeschter, who passed Feb 28th, 2014

As my mother’s journey of 30+ years with dementia now comes to an end on earth, I know she will live on in spirit guiding and protecting me as she did even in her last days. I have come to frame my mothers death in one of gratitude. Not an easy thing to do, as it took me years to get to this spot when I lost my beloved father as I kept looping in my loss for him.

I am grateful that I had such a wonderful mother, who taught me such powerful life lessons and encouraged me to share them with the world.

Grateful, for the pain and loss I am feeling as it defines the depth of our love and relationship. As the saying goes – you can’t feel great joy without knowing great pain…they balance one another out and give value to each side of the coin.

Grateful, for my mother sharing her purpose and mission with me, and trusting me to carry on her legacy of shifting our dementia care culture.

Grateful, and oh so proud of my daughter Danielle and how she loved and cared for her Grandma.

Grateful, for the overwhelming support and love from people all over the world who were touched by my mother’s story and my work.

Grateful, my family pulled together for my mother’s last days.

Grateful, for the new friends and colleagues who are joining together to work collaboratively to make a difference to improve lives of others dealing with dementia.

Grateful, to be part of a whole so much larger then myself.

Grateful, to know the blessings wrapped in caring for another can never be taken away, even when the time seems way too short.

Grateful, to know I did everything in my power to continue my relationship with my mother as the disease process ebbed and flowed.

Grateful, for the wonderful memories we continued to create throughout her life and which are being relived after her passing and still changing lives

Grateful, that my mother is still communicating with me even though she has passed, through words, and pictures and signs and symbols; each putting a smile on my face and calmness in my heart.

Grateful, for passionate friends, assisting others on this journey called dementia.

Grateful, for being a Purple Angel Ambassador and the St. Paul Pioneer Press Adding this symbol to there standard obit forms.  Check out the symbol!  Yehhh!!!!


8 Replies to “Dementia – Is There Anything To Be Grateful For?”

  1. Beautiful sentiments, Lori. Over the past few years dealing with my dad’s dementia and my mom’s cancer I’ve come to discover that we really get to know ourselves when we are the most tested. You are right, we should be grateful for what these difficult journeys teach us and help put the important things in perspective.

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