Heartfelt Connections with Life Care Services
Heartfelt Connections
with Life Care Services
on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio
Thursday we will have Sam Rinke, Director of Sales and Marketing for Gable Pines. Sam has been in senior living for 6 years. He says the best part about his job is being able to sit down with families and talk about how Gable Pines can meet their needs and then seeing them so happy with the results of their senior living community. Learn about Heartfelt Connections Gable Pines is doing different.
Phone: 651-829-3171
Email:Â Marketing@gablepines.com
Website:Â www.GablePines.com
Facebook:Â Gable Pines
How to Communicate with a Person with Dementia 
Today we had an interesting conversation regarding communication. You will here from those diagnosed and what they think about all the tips given by “Professionals” to communicate with them. You will gain insights which will help you care better. Learn how their senses change, how their emotions and behaviors are affect by their surroundings and how that impacts them in their daily living.
Thank You To Our Experts Living With Dementia:
Michael Ellenbogen, Paulan Gordon, Truthful Loving Kindness, Brian LeBlanc, Laurie Scherrer, Mary Howard, Susan Suchan and Harry Urban
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 Power of Purpose
OK, last show reminded me how very negligent I have been exercising! Thanks for the guilt trip – I needed that kick!
Love & Laughter, Laurie A.Scherrer dementiadaze.com
Me too! LoL