Dementia – People Just Keep Surprising Me!

When I was Arizona recently to speak at two separate events, a man approached me.   I had just finished setting up my table for the conference and he introduced himself to me..  I was pleased to find out it was Frank Granberg with is wife Mary.  They had contacted me wanting to meet while I was in town.  they had strong interest in learning more about the Purple Angel Project and Dementia Friendly Communities.

  As I reached out to shake Frank’s hand,

he gave me a beautiful wood carving he had made for me. 

purple angel Frank Craved out of wood


To My Surprise – It Was A Purple Angel!

This piece of art work is especially precious to me as when I was at the Alzheimer’s Association Conference in Mesa that day, I was also away from my mother who was dying and in hospice.  Mom had been struggling with dementia for over 30 years, but she made it very clear to me I was to go and speak and I was not to stop once she passed.  Two hours after my last presentation, mom slipped away into the heavens.

Thank you Frank for sharing your kindness and creative skill with me.  You and Mary will always have a special place in my heart.

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11 Replies to “Dementia – People Just Keep Surprising Me!”

  1. There is a widely held misconception in the African American community that the Alzheimer’s disease is mostly a white disease. This is not only a false notion, it is a view fraught with danger for black people. There is a terrific book by author Will Gibson that dispels this falsehood. ESTELLA & SYLVIA, while a novel that tells a warm, loving family story, deals with many of the issues and challenges regarding Alzheimer’s.

    As Frances Blake, a book lover who enjoys a good story while caring for her sick mother, says about ESTELLA & SYLVIA: “This is one of the most unique family stories I’ve ever read. I found myself rooting for the whole family. It also helped me as a caregiver. The book also helped my friends understand what I was going through. Most important, they enjoyed it immensely as good fiction.”—

  2. As an artist, I am creating a series of abstract paintings about dementia/Alzheimer’s. For one painting, I am collecting victim’s first names and something unique about that individual (a singer, a birder, etc.). For another I need photos of victims (especially their eyes). If you could provide some connections for names and photos, I would be so appreciative. Furthermore, if you would like to see the finished paintings, please provide your email address to me. Thank you.

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