Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Disease International on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio This AM

Executive Director, Marc Wortmann of Alzheimer’s Disease International Will Talk About Their Ghttp://alzheimersspeaks.com/wp-admin/post-new.phplobal Vision

Janice Doherty will Speak on Horticultural Therapy

Today on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

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We Go Live at 11am EST, 10am CST, 8am PST

1st Guest

Marc Wortmann is the Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Disease International, known as ADI.  Today Marc will share ADI’s vision and mission with us.  We will learn about the similarities as well as the differences between his organization and other organizations, but most importantly we will hear how we can work together as a global force to shift our dementia care culture.

ADI’s Next Conference will be:
27th International Conference of Alzheimer’s Disease International,

March 7th-10th, 2012, London, UK.

The theme is: Science, Fact, Fiction

Conference website: http://www.adi2012.org

Early registration deadline: 13 January 2012.

2nd Guest

Janice Doherty is an Author and speaker on the subject of Horticultural Therapy and its benefits.She focuses on the geriatric population and her experiences while providing therapy for 9 + years.

You can check out her book at
http:// www.Amazon.com/Calendar-Year-Horticultural-Therapy/dp/0981977510

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