Give Gift Giving Another Spin? You Decide
I received a lot of comments via the blog and private emails, on two of my articles of Dec 25th titled “Gift Giving Another Causality of Alzheimer’s Disease” and “The Perfect Gift for Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease” dated Dec 10th.
The reason I bring this up is a wonderful Blogger and Author by the name of Laura Bramly, who Blogs for “Elder Care Talk” did a spin off article on mine. I found her thoughts of interest and wanted to share them with you. Here are the links to the original articles of mine if you want to review them first.
Here is the link to the article Laura Bramly wrote –
I would love to hear your thoughts. I posted a comment on Laura’s blog in response to her article as well.
This is a great dialog!
After reading these posts, I found myself thinking a lot about my own approach to gifts and gifting with respect to my mother (an advanced dementia patient) and I ended up blogging about it, too 🙂
Cheers, Swapna
Yeh it’s been a great conversation and ping pong of ideas and thoughts. Bob DeMarco of “the reading room” just wrote a great blog about giving his Mom flowers you have to read it. It’s pretty funny and so are the comments. The simplicity of giving pleasure and letting their mind spin in whatever world they are in.
Inspiring Post! Thanks for sharing . I like it.
GPS НАВИГАЦИЯ (для автомобилей, КПК, телефонов)
“ДЛЯ ТАКСИ” (с адресной частью – контуры домов, дробная часть);
“ДЛЯ ПУТЕШЕСТВИЙ” (Украина, Россия, Европа, Азия);
“ДЛЯ ОХОТЫ И РЫБАЛКИ” (топографическая).
Узнать подробнее…
Контроль передвижных объектов
(автомобилей, грузов, ценных предметов и документов, сотрудников, детей, стариков, любимых животных).
Оптимизация затрат по транспорту
мониторинг, диспетчеризация транспортных средств: контроль маршрута – левые рейсы; необоснованный простой.
Контроль расхода топлива
транспортных средств (недолив, слив).
Узнать подробнее…
Охрана объектов
• (передвижных, стационарных) – дистанционная охрана объектов, возможность дистанционного влияния на контролированный объект.
• Прием тревожных сообщений от объекта наблюдения в случае несанкционированного вторжения, угона, аварии. Прием тревожных сообщений при активации «Тревожной» кнопки.
• Дистанционное управление различными устройствами, как на мобильных, так и на стационарных объектах (например, в случае получения сигнала об угоне – дистанционно блокировать двигатель автомобиля).
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Hey, I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say GREAT blog!…..I”ll be checking in on a regularly now….Keep up the good work! 🙂
HI Mr Barns
Thanks for taking the time to comment
Thanks, good selection of material, I was pleased with the article. But why not put a link to the source?
There is a link. Maybe it was down when you tried it.
Thanks for your comment