Happy Father’s Day to All Who Are, Have Been and Will Be A Father

Happy Father’s Day to All Who Are,

Have Been and Will Be A Father

I was one of the lucky ones.  I had a fabulous father.  He was kind, loving, funny and such a remarkable person.  I can honestly say I have never heard anyone say a bad word about my father.  I know not everyone has been as lucky as I was.  Funny thing is I didn’t know how lucky I was until friends told to me, “I always wished your dad was my dad.”  or “I always wished growing up, that I could have been part of your family.”

dad_wedding_pickThis is a picture of my dad on my wedding day.  In 2001, dad passed away.  He was not only my father but he was an excellent friend, confident and mentor.  I think of him everyday.  My dad was a simple man. A blue collar worker who did all the “typical” male jobs around the house.  That is until my mother started having memory issues in her mid fifties.  Slowly, over time this man who couldn’t boil water, started grocery shopping and cooking.  He learned how to do laundry and vacuum… He took back the finances and continued with all his normal chores and he did it all with grace.

All this dad did out of love and commitment to my mother and our family.  He was an extraordinary role model for how to care for someone with dementia.  He was kind and patient and lovely.

So who has been a father figure to you?

It’s important for all us to appreciate the “Father’s” in our life. 

They may or may not be your biological father and it doesn’t matter. 

Don’t ever let go of memories of the men who have fathered you in your life.  Some men may have left you physical through death like my own father.  Others may have journeyed to a new stage in life to father others.  You see a father figure does not have to be an actual family member.  They don’t have to be older or wiser then us.  A true father can be any man that cares for us. Supports us through thick and thin.   Someone we can rely on and trust with our deepest, darkness secrets and our most precious joys.

A father wants us to be the best we can be.

Today is a day to be grateful for all the men throughout your life who have been there for you.  Take the time to go visit them, make a call or send a card so they know the impact they have had on you.

Cheers to the wonderful men in our life!

cheersHappy Father’s Day!

For resources on dementia and caregiving click on

Alzheimer’s Speaks below

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