Help Shift Congress into gear Regarding Alzheimer’s Disease!

Please join our cause !

Alzheimer’s is not a single person diagnosis.  It affects everyone touched by the person who has the disease.  We must work collaboratively to preserve the patient, the families, our communities, and our businesses to ensure not only healthy bodies and minds; but a healthy economy.  We need your help to make the shift and turn this boat of disaster around.  There is light at the end of the tunnel but we must follow the proper course to see it!  Congress, is Captain of our ship, it’s time for them to man our ship and take control.  

Help us by signing the petition and notifing your representatives of the need.  

Thank you in advance for stepping and having the courage to fight for this cause.

Lori La Bey

Alzheimer’s Speaks

Here is the link to the Petition.  It’s simple and will will take you under 1 minute to do!

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