How Mother’s Day Has Changed for Me
by Lori La Bey, Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks
Dementia or not, Mother’s are to be loved

First, I have to say I was blessed to not only have an amazing Mother who loved and cared for our family and others without exception. She put her children’s needs first, often missing out on things that would have made her own life easier.
Below is a video showing some of those special moments growing up as a young child like… Christmas, birthdays, swimming and skiing and patience when we weren’t so perfect, but still cute; like when my brother Scott sits on his potty pulling all the toilet paper off the roll.
One thing you probably noticed is my mom wasn’t in the video much. That was her way – preparing and assuring everyone was having a great time and working in the background to keep things running smoothly. I guess that’s where I get it from too. People are always trying to get me to sit down and visit and I’m running around cooking and cleaning. I do have to admit, like my Mother, I take pride and enjoy pulling off a great party that flows just seeing others enjoying the experience fills my heart.

Over the years I have realized Mothers are not just women who give birth to a child, or their Grandmothers or their Great Grandmothers. They step up and protect not only children, but humanity as a whole including our fur babies and the earth, They are women and even young girls who are all different ages and are in all different stages of life who care, guide, love and support people. The color of their skin, their educational level, the amount of money they have or don’t, their ability to speak your language or even speak at all doesn’t matter. It’s their heart. It’s their compassion. It’s their desire to bring a calmness and balance to life. It’s their ability to encourage and engage people so they feel good about themselves and their situation.

Yes, I have found it’s the personal connectiveness Mothers offer. The simple but much overlooked skill of listening. The ability to accept what is, even when there really is no way to fix a situation. Their willingness to love us unconditionally and hold a sacred space where we can be weak, confused and scared without judgement.

It’s Mothers who lift our spirits and point out what we have or are doing right when we are in our darkest space. They can paint us a picture of the beauty they see within us, when we can’t visualize one good thing about ourselves. They encourage us to be all that we can be in whatever direction that may take us.
Mothers have learned each person’s uniqueness is exceptional and important to the world.

Mother’s understand that staying calm when we can’t be is a huge gift helping us center ourselves.
Mother’s feel our pain, fear, embarrassment, and lack of confidence. They celebrate our silliness, joy, deep love and take pride in and celebrate when we get life right.
To all the Mother’s in our world I say “Thank You” for all you have done and continue to do.
May you all recognize the Mother’s in your life and appreciate what they have done and continue to do for you. May you not stay quiet but let each of them know the value and richness they have brought to your life. May you share the lessons you have learned from them which have made you a better person, so that you may lead by example for others.
If you are like me and have lost your Mother and/or women in your life who have played that role for you, I know Mother’s Day can be tremendously sad.

Shift to an Attitude of Gratitude
Try to remember you can’t feel great loss without having great love and that is a true blessing.
Enjoy, embrace and celebrate this Mother’s Day honoring all who have given you the gift of being Mothered.
Miss you Mom. Love you to the moon and back!
Diana Pierce of “What’s Next with Diana Pierce” talks with Lori La Bey , CEO of Alzheimer’s Speaks helping us reframe our expectations to replace fear with HOPE!

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Upcoming Public Events with Lori La Bey
Friday, May 17th – 10:30am – 12:30pm
Educational Program
“Shifting from Crisis to Comfort”
Gable Pines at Vadnais Heights 651-829-3171
1260 East Co. Rd. E, Vadnais Heights, MN 55110
See what LeadingAge has to say about Lori La Bey
“Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.”
Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA

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Hi Lori,
Happy Mother’s Day! This is such a beautiful email, note, thought. I love it! Enjoy your special day. 💕
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Nancy M. Connor
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