I’m a Pepper You’re a Pepper

I’m a Pepper You’re a Pepper                  by Lori La Bey

This is one of my favorite stories.  My Mother was over weight by a good hundred pounds.  She was in the nursing home and doing just fine.  One of her simple pleasures was having a Dr Pepper as a treat.  One day while I was at a 1/4ly review on Mom  I asked if I could drop off a 24 pack of Dr Pepper for her.  I wanted Mom to be able to have a treat each evening. 

The dietician piped up and said, “Well can you make that a diet Dr Pepper?”

I looked at her, and boldly laughed and said “NO.  First of all, my Mom knows the difference between to the two: and second, she laughs and sings “I’m a Pepper, you’re a Pepper” song every time she has one; and no one is taking that special moment away from her!”

The dietician softly told me it would be best for my Mother with her weight issue if I would consider the diet pop.  I stopped her cold and said I will be dropping off a case of regular Dr Pepper.

The dietician smiled and said, “It’s my job, I have to say that.  If it was my Mom I would do the same thing.”

I bring this up to remind you, who has the power, even when your loved one is living in a facility.  There are rules and regulations that have to be followed, and those that just have to be stated and noted for the governing agencies.  Quality of Life is an issue you will most likely address many times on many levels.  This example is a simple non-life threatening one.

3 Replies to “I’m a Pepper You’re a Pepper”

  1. Lori,

    “I’m a Pepper”. Delightful and good for you.

    “I bring this up to remind you, who has the power, even when your loved one is living in a facility.”

    I agree totally. I fought this kind of battle for my Dad with a memory care home staff who didn’t get it that I knew my Dad far better than they did. We must stand up for them.

    Thanks so much.

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