Important Call To Action for Alzheimer’s

Here is an important note

from our friends


Sec. Sebelius and HHS are considering recommendations to strengthen the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease right now.

Ensure that the updated plan is aggressive enough to stop this disease.

Send a letter to HHS today to urge them to strengthen the plan.

After more than a year of discussion and debate, deep across-the-board cuts to government programs – including invaluable Alzheimer’s biomedical research, public health, and caregiver support initiatives – have gone into effect. It’s time to redouble our efforts.

These cuts come right as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is working to update the National Plan toAddress Alzheimer’s Disease, which set the landmark national goal of preventing and treating Alzheimer’s disease by 2025. But we won’t achieve that goal unless public officials commit to a detailed road map and sufficient funding.

We have a brief window of opportunity right now to make our voices heard loud and clear before HHS releases an updated plan in the coming weeks.


Tell HHS to stand with the millions of families affected by Alzheimer’s and strengthen the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease.

The consequences of the across-the-board cuts are real and significant. Worthy research projects could go unfunded. That’s why we must come together to ensure that the national plan aggressively moves us closer to stopping this disease – and that means increasing funding, supporting caregivers, and setting milestones to achieve the 2025 goal.

Committed activists like you helped shape the first iteration of this groundbreaking plan. But the next version must be stronger – laying out the milestones we need to meet the 2025 goal. Otherwise, we won’t know who to hold accountable for achieving our goal. And we can’t let that happen.

Tell HHS to strengthen the National Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease.

The Advisory Council on Alzheimer’s Research, Care, and Services – on which I proudly serve – met in January to make recommendations to HHS on how to improve the national plan. We emphasized the urgent need for greater federal research funding, stronger and expanded support for families and caregivers, and a real road map with milestones to advance us towards the ultimate goal: the prevention and effective treatment of Alzheimer’s disease by 2025.

These recommendations are so important to the effectiveness of the plan that the Council unanimously approved them. Now your participation is critical. HHS can’t ignore thousands and thousands of Americans demanding accountability and clarity in the plan to end this national health crisis.

Tell Sec. Sebelius and HHS to move boldly and quickly towards ending the heartache and pain caused by Alzheimer’s – strengthen the national plan today.

Alzheimer’s is a deadly and unforgiving disease that affects 5.4 million Americans and costs hundreds of billions of dollars to our country each year. One in seven American workers is, or has been, a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. A crisis of this magnitude merits an equally serious response.

With your support, we’ll get the plan we need to make it happen. We can beat Alzheimer’s.


George Vradenburg
Chairman and Co-Founder

USAgainstAlzheimer’s is a community of enraged and engaged individuals who have been touched by Alzheimer’s disease and are committed to the bold and attainable goal of ending Alzheimer’s by 2020.

We are caregivers, advocates, family members, researchers, and more, united by our frustration at a broken status quo and dedicated to mobilizing individuals to raise awareness of the human toll and fiscal crisis and to demand transformative policies to stop the disease.

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