Is There Really Help for Alzheimer’s on the Horizon?

Is There Really Help for

Alzheimer’s on the Horizon?

By Sarah Jennings

There has been a lot of buzz out there on how to slow the progress of the terrible degenerative disease, Alzheimer’s. To many, the name “Alzheimer’s” brings feelings of doom and gloom to their lives and the lives of their loved ones. There are many things we can do to prevent or slow the disease, some easier than others. But there is a new supplement out there being tested for release that could be an amazing breakthrough for those newly diagnosed in early stages or those prone to inherit the tendency to develop it.

With the growing awareness of the illness that steals memory and cognitive function, we know that there are things you can do to improve your lifestyle and keep your body healthy.

  • Stop Smoking. This allows for better circulation to the brain.
  • Exercise. Taking regular walks can even help, it doesn’t have to be anything stressful. Some is better than none.
  • Eat a Mediterranean diet. This is a very natural diet of fresh fruits and veggies, nuts and fish. Science suggests that the seasoning Tumeric contains the element Curcumin and seems to offer benefits for those suffering from Alzheimer’s or even pain.
  • Take an Omega3 supplement. Post mortem Alzheimer’s patients’ brains show low amounts of the fatty acids…or Omega3. It has also been found that there are high levels of MSG, so cutting the use of salt is a good idea.
  • Sleep. We have a natural diurnal cycle that our bodies were meant to follow. We should sleep when it is dark and wake when it is light, getting eight hours of continuous sleep in a night. Keep naps to a minimum and no longer than 30 minutes at a time to ensure proper sleep at night.
  • Take up a hobby. It has been found that those who are constantly learning or doing brain exercises are able to fight off the disease and function better than those who do not.
  • Get out and about. Being out of the house is normal. You should be going to the store, seeing a movie, or socializing with other people. Being locked away is detrimental to your health.

Obviously, even someone with a perfect lifestyle can still develop AD or the symptoms of it. Alzheimer’s is believed to be caused by a breakdown in synapses function in the brain. When those impulses cannot complete their intended course, memory loss happens. So, logically, if you are able to get the brain to make more connections, increase the synapses of the brain. However, many people do not eat a proper diet rich in the nutrients that are believed to improve the symptoms of AD. A product called Souvenaid is currently being tested and may be released to the public this year or next. It is a smoothie drink that contains nutrients that they believe will slow progression of AD, Parkinson’s, and other like diseases.

These nutrients are:

  • Omega3: Found in foods like salmon, tuna, trout or can be taken as a supplement.
  • Choline: Contains the neurotransmitter Acetylcholine and is found in eggs, chicken, and tofu to name a few.
  • Uridine: Found in  brewers’ yeast and organ meats like liver and kidneys.
  • Phospholipids: Found in meats and eggs.
  • Vitamin B6: Found in  meats, whole grains, and nuts.
  • Vitamin B12: Found in fish, eggs, and meats.
  • Vitamin E: Found in wheat germ, oils like sunflower oil, and supplements.
  • Selenium: Found in nuts, mushrooms, eggs, and shellfish.
  • Folic Acid: Found in cereals, lentils, dry bean varieties, orange juice and leafy greens.

Although these are essential nutrients, the makers of Souvenaid say that taking these supplements is not advised since they have compounded it to be non-toxic and beneficial to the body. Taking them all as supplements could end up putting too much in your system and lead to other problems. However, eating plenty of these foods should introduce satisfactory levels in the body. Those who do not eat these kinds of foods are more at risk and could really benefit from the smoothie style drink.

What exactly can these foods do for you? They promote the new growth of synapses connections in the brain, essential for retaining memory. When studying 259 Alzheimer’s patients, some were put on the smoothie and some just given a likeness, a placebo. Those taking the Souvenaid improved, most even showing normal brain function by EEG while the placebo group declined. After 12 weeks, the placebo group was given the Souvenaid and showed improvement in memory function and cognitive function by the end of the study.

While this could just be next big fad, proper nutrition has proven over time to be a big help in slowing the disease. Adopt a better lifestyle or talk to those in your loved one’s care center to incorporate more of these on a regular basis.

About the Author

sarah_jennings_writerSarah Jennings  has been taking care of others her whole life. In 2005, she moved her mother into her family home. She uses her personal experience to share with others about caring for the elderly. She currently writes on behalf of Brookdale.



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6 Replies to “Is There Really Help for Alzheimer’s on the Horizon?”

  1. On your list of goodies to stave off Alzheimer’s do you notice that there is only one aspect covered by some Carehomes treating dementia patients and that is the ban or discouragement of smoking…………..

  2. Eat a Mediterranean diet <— probably one of the biggest things people can do. Today people eat too much junk and fill their bodies with garbage. Its no wonder we get all manner of illnesses…

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