Join Us In Honoring Paulan Gordon’s Life

It is with deep sadness we inform you Paulan Gordon passed away on October 2, 2021 just before 11:00am ET.

Paulan had a heart of gold and was a tireless advocate and supporter of others living with dementia. Her smile and tender spirit will be missed by many of us.

Paulan was very active with Dementia Action Alliance, Dementia Mentors, and Alzheimer’s Speaks (both our radio show and Dementia Chats educational videos). Together these three organization will be joining forces to honor Paulan’s advocacy and pay tribute to her life.

Below outlines how you can participate in honoring Paulan.

We are inviting friends from all three communities and other friends and family to join us to commemorate Paulan’s precious life in three ways.

1.) Upload your pictures or short videos clips into the below link.  These will be made into a video which will be sent to the family and posted on all three websites.!Av-I8HeAPjAe2XeZDUf9_LNJradX?e=j2VdD5

In order to complete this in a timely manner, we will accept photos until Friday, October 15th.

2.)  Join us for a Zoom Memorial Tribute on Tuesday October 12th at 11:00 ET. Email us if you would like the link

3.) Record a message: Tell the family and friends what Paulan meant to you.  Come on Zoom to record a memory, a laugh, a special moment – or whatever.  These moments will be recorded, sent to Paulan’s Family and shared throughout social media.   The Zoom will be open on Wednesday, October13 from 11:00 ET until 12:00 ET and again on Thursday, October 14 from 4:00 ET to 5:00 ET. Email us if you would like the link

Please send me an email and I will send an email at a later time with the Zoom links and funeral information.

Lori La Bey talks with Ellie Peterson who teaches Continuum of Care staff, volunteers, families, and friends how to use Meditative Movements™ during their routine day.  These movements allowing people to support memory care residents and loved ones, so they both feel calmer and more relaxed.

Contact Lori La Bey  with questions, branding needs or visit

Be Our Next Guest. Email us at Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

All Shows are Archived

Dementia Chats is a series of video conversations where we talk with the true experts on dementia, those living with a diagnosis. Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks facilitates a conversation and is amazed by every conversation what she learns about life with dementia. She encourages everyone not only to watch these videos, but to include those living with dementia in conversations and to listen closely to their insights. They know dementia better than anyone.

For a Complete List of Dementia Chats Videos – Click Here

Register for a Live Demo Tour of Dementia Map on Zoom!

Upcoming Public Events Lori La Bey Will Be At:

Lori La Bey Can Help Your Organization Switch To Virtual Presentations For Staff Trainings, Family Support, Perspective Clients and Support Gatherings.

More Information to Come

See What Others Have Say About Lori La Bey

I want to echo the thanks and appreciation of my colleagues… Your presentations were movingly authentic, fully engaging and wonderfully informative. Thank you for all that you are doing, and all that you’ve done for us!

Carla Koehl, Director of Community RelationsArtis Senior Living of Lexington

 “Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.” 

Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA

For More Testimonial

Find A Memory Café In Your Area

Footbar Walker – NOW ONLY $199.00



We would love to here your thoughts and comments on this tip.

                                            Diana Pierce and Lori La Bey

Downloadable Tips Below

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is when-caring-takes-courage-book-cover.jpg
Gains Alzheimer's Trail - Premiere on Alzheimer's Speaks YouTube Channel

Lori La Bey talks with Ellie Peterson who teaches Continuum of Care staff, volunteers, families, and friends how to use Meditative Movements™ during their routine day.  These movements allowing people to support memory care residents and loved ones, so they both feel calmer and more relaxed.

Contact Lori La Bey  with questions, branding needs or visit

Be Our Next Guest. Email us at Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

All Shows are Archived

Dementia Chats is a series of video conversations where we talk with the true experts on dementia, those living with a diagnosis. Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks facilitates a conversation and is amazed by every conversation what she learns about life with dementia. She encourages everyone not only to watch these videos, but to include those living with dementia in conversations and to listen closely to their insights. They know dementia better than anyone.

For a Complete List of Dementia Chats Videos – Click Here

Register for a Live Demo Tour of Dementia Map on Zoom!

Upcoming Public Events Lori La Bey Will Be At:

Lori La Bey Can Help Your Organization Switch To Virtual Presentations For Staff Trainings, Family Support, Perspective Clients and Support Gatherings.

More Information to Come

See What Others Have Say About Lori La Bey

I want to echo the thanks and appreciation of my colleagues… Your presentations were movingly authentic, fully engaging and wonderfully informative. Thank you for all that you are doing, and all that you’ve done for us!

Carla Koehl, Director of Community RelationsArtis Senior Living of Lexington

 “Feedback from the conference planning committee and our leadership team was extremely positive. Many attendees commented that she was one of the best speakers they had heard.” 

Pat Sylvia, Director of Education & Member Development LeadingAge WA

For More Testimonial

Find A Memory Café In Your Area

Footbar Walker – NOW ONLY $199.00



We would love to here your thoughts and comments on this tip.

                                            Diana Pierce and Lori La Bey

Downloadable Tips Below

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is when-caring-takes-courage-book-cover.jpg
Gains Alzheimer's Trail - Premiere on Alzheimer's Speaks YouTube Channel

3 Replies to “Join Us In Honoring Paulan Gordon’s Life”

  1. I LOVE this! I can’t read the black on purple writing. Perhaps change the black to white? Is there any way you can copy it and send it to me to post on our FB and website?

    Love & Laughter, Laurie A.Scherrer I don’t want to just survive – – I want to thrive!


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