Join Us On Dementia Chats Tuesday Nov 13th

Join Us On 

Tuesday Nov 13th  3pm EST  2pm CST  12pm PST

To sign in ENTER AS A GUESTand type in your name, then Click on “Enter Room.”


When entering the webinar you will need to sign in as a guest.  If you use the chat box to communicate with us, your name will show up in the chat box and will be recorded as part of the session.  If you are not comfortable with your real name being shown and recorded as part of these sessions, please refrain from using the chat box or don’t sign in using your real name.  You may want to use your first name only.  We will interpret your decision to participate in any session, that you are giving us your permission to be recorded.  These sessions and recordings are the copyright of Alzheimer’s Speaks and maybe used in part or in full in a variety of ways in the future.

Dementia Chats Hosts

Lori La Bey, Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks will host the webinars. She will be asking out Experts Living with Dementia questions and pulling participants into the conversation to get their questions answered and their comments heard. Lori is a speaker and trainer on dementia and caregiving.   Her mother has also struggled with dementia for over 30 years and she is now in her end stages of the disease.

Leeanne Chames, is Rick Phelps Administrative Assistant on Memory People and she will help manage the webinar as well as participate in the conversations.

Our Experts Actually have Dementia

Rick Phelps, Founder of Memory People™, which is a closed support group for those with dementia, their care partners, professionals and advocates. Rick was diagnosed in 2010.

Harry Urban is a member of Memory People™.  Harry was diagnosed in 1995 and lives with his wife Hazel out east and has brilliant insights to this disease.

Bonus Expert Donnamarie Baker, 20 year career in banking and escrow, where she ranked either number one or two in her office each month. Diagnosed 2 years ago with early onset Alzheimer’s; atypical visual variant. Donna lives in Arizona with her husband Nick.

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