Learn About The New Dementia Mentors Program on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Learn About The Newly Launched

Dementia Mentors Program &

Food, Nutrition and Aging

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We go live on Tuesday at 11am EST, 10am CST 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London time.

Tuesday we will have talk with some of the foundering members of Dementia Mentors: Gary Joseph LeBlanc, Richard Taylor, Michael Neuvirth and Harry Urban. Dementia Mentors was built to help those newly diagnosed understand their life is not over, by connecting them with a mentor who has been living successfully with the disease himself. This is a fantastic program and resourceful website which will help people around the world.

Call in and join the conversation (714) 364-4757

Dementia mentors logo 11Click above for more information on Dementia Mentors

Our second guest will be Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF) Scientific Advisory Council Member, Karen Koffler, M.D., will speak on Food and Nutrition. Dr. Koffler is the Medical Director of Canyon Ranch Miami Beach and will be answering questions like “what effects does food have on us as we age?

Call in and join the conversation (714) 364-4757

ARPF_logoClick above for more information on the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation

or email them at: info@alzheimersprevention.org
or call at: 1-888-908-5766


Click above for more information on Canyon Ranch

or email Dr Koffler at kkoffler@canyonranch.com

or call at:  305 514-7216

For More Resources On Dementia And Caregiving

Checkout Alzheimer’s Speaks Below

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