Legacy Jewelry for Alzheimer’s Patients and Caregivers

Legacy Jewelry for Alzheimer’s Patients and Caregivers
By Lori La Bey of Senior Lifestyle Trends

I am so excited to share this post with you. Actually I have written about this product once before, but I was blown away with how amazing it truly is. I never thought it would be such a personal service to my soul, but once I got it I just melted! It is so calming and precious. It is one of the best gifts I have ever received!

Now most of you reading this blog post know my Mother is in her end stages of Alzheimer’s disease. For me capturing her finger print is part of establishing a legacy, just like the blog and the website Alzheimer’s Speaks.

The product is a piece of jewelry. Finger Print Jewelry from “First Impressions a division of Jewelry that Matters.”

I showed my Mom the necklace the other day. I held her hand in mine and raised it to the jewelry. With one finger she rubbed the imprint of her own finger print. I explained to her why the pendant was so important to me and that her name was engraved on the back side. My Mom doesn’t talk much these days but I knew she was touched. A soft “OHHHH,” came from her lips, and she gave me a deep knowing smile as her eyes filled with tears. It was one of those special moments we connected and I will cherish forever. My eyes are tearing now just remembering that moment. You see with Alzheimer’s disease it is all about CMC – Capturing the Moments we Connect.

Now I do have to tell you how I found First Impressions as that experience was touching as well. Actually, I was just snooping around the internet one day and ran across this amazing website. Now, I know it sounds funny to call any website amazing but this one is on a couple of levels.

One, I now go and visit the site if I’m feeling a bit down in the dumps as I can’t be in a bad mood after going there. The fun music and photos just pull me right up by my boot straps and make me smile. It never fails. I’ve told others to try it and they have all had the same experience. So, if for no other reason than to start your day off right or end it on a positive note, check out the First Impressions website.


I really think it is the concept of this product which is so unique and sparks the heart. Once you see it, thinking about the ability to feel your loved with you is truly amazing. I love wearing my necklace. I find myself rubbing the imprint when I am a bit nervous, making a big decision, thinking about my Mom, or just day dreaming. The texture is calming, reassuring and it feels like I am connected to her on another level. Plus, what a way to honor someone you love by having a unique piece of them with you. This jewelry is a powerful remembrance of any relationship and the possibilities and usages are endless!

Two, I love this jewelry because it is so versatile. You might want to capture a newborns finger print as a gift for the Mother and Father, Get a Soldiers finger print before he goes off to war so his family can feel him close, or he could feel his families prints close to him when away. It’s great for holidays, birthdays, and life accomplishments like graduation or weddings…

For me I love the legacy piece. It is like no other piece of jewelry I own. For that matter, it is like no other piece of jewelry in the world.

The third reason I love this jewelry is Jake Furham, the owner has been my personal Jeweler for years. I was shocked as I dug on the website to find this fantastic product was developed by someone I already knew, trusted, and respected! I mean what are the odds? Jake has always shined through with his creativeness, dedication, and commitment to his work. If you do decide to order your own personal Finger Print Jewelry through First Impressions I can honestly say, “I know you will be thoroughly satisfied creating your own trip down memory lane, guided by Jake’s gifted workmanship.”


First Impressions makes pendants, charms, bracelets, rubbing stones and more. I am going to order some key chains for the men and pendants for the women in our family. Everyone in my family wants their own piece of Mom with them.
The neat thing about this process is you don’t have to be local to get a finger print made. The company will mail you out a finger print kit. All you have to do is secure the print and mail back to them. It really is very slick and easy. Jake and his Assistant Jill explained to me the options for securing the finger print using the pellet for a mold, or an ink imprint. They are also working on a third technique which is very exciting and they hope to launch soon.
For me when securing my Mother’s finger print with her limitations; she does not understand directions and has very limited mobility – the ink technique was easiest, although I did try both and each was very simple to work with.

If you want to see how the finger print is captured you can go to You tube and which a video at:


To become friends on FACEBOOK with First Impression go to:


Help me spread the word of this personal and creative Jewelry. Help someone you know find peace in their relationship.

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