Lewy Body Soldier by Norrms McNamara

The Lewy Body Soldier

By Norrms McNamra     10/28/12

 Norrms and Elaine McNamara

Just before we set off for London I just thought I would write this blog. The name “The Lewy Body Soldier” is something I was called a while ago by a very good friend who lives in the town of Blackburn which is very near my home town of Bolton (You know who you are LOL xxx) Its s very good way to explain things as you will see.

A soldier carries on and fights for what he thinks is right, he does his job no matter what and would risk all for family, Queen and country, never looking back, always forward and never giving up no matter what the odds were or how bad things got, always fighting, never retreating.

Sound familiar?? This applies to most people who have this awful disease, not just Lewy Body`s, but Dementia in General. We don’t want to fight this war, but we have too!! We don’t want to wake up each day knowing there is no end in sight to this daily battle and things will probably get worse before they get better, but we have too!! We don’t want to see our loved ones and friends worrying about us, day after day month after month but we have too!! That’s not counting all those family and friends who fight their own terrific battle keeping us well, fed, and looked after safe and well.

These last couple of days have been awful for my angel as one night a few days ago was particularly bad as my night terrors and hallucinations showed themselves all night long. The following few nights after, including last night have been all about me waking up screaming and shouting at someone, and Elaine, there as always , arms wrapped around me, rocking me gently until I realise I am only in bed and not stuck in the awful, horrific world I have just left!! I have started to see shadows behind me that make me jump both day and night, and worst of all calling after them as believe me they are very real to me.

Am I Stressed? NO, Am I worried about the next few days or Novembers Meeting? Definatley not!! In my eyes stress is what you are when out on manoeuvres in minus twenty degree temperatures (it’s their winter now) with a 30lb + pack on and being shot at by the Afghans!!

But my friends, this Lewy Body Soldier is very tired, but yet so much looking forward to a few days break. I know Elaine is, and I have joked that at least this year for her birthday I am taking her to London for a few days and to see a show called The Pride of Britain LOL .

Seroiusly though folks, we hope to do you all proud and if we get the chance, stand up and shout about what we all know is right. We hope to show the world that Dementia is now here and open for discussion, no more should it be in the shadows and no more should it be feared. Its human nature that people fear the unknown, it’s human nature to be frightened of the dark, but we intend to bring Dementia out of the darkness and into the light. And if we don’t get that airtime we promise we will tell everybody that will listen to us on the night!!

 Please, if you do see me jumping, or turning around as though someone has just shouted me, give us a smile, a wave and think about this little Lewy Body Soldier just doing his duty!! Much love to you all.

Norrms, Elaine and family xxxxxxxxx

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