Living with Alzheimer’s 2011 – New Website Launched!

Rick and Phyllis June are a married couple, Can you tell who has Early Onset Alzheimer's?

 If you can’t tell who has Alzheimer’s disease in the above picture you are not alone.  The disease is attacking those as young as 30 and 40 years old.  For clarification, it is Rick that has been diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease  or EOAD.  Rick is a fellow “Advocate on Seteroids™” for Alzheimer’s Disease.  I am proud to know him and to work with him as he speaks out to raise awareness of the disease.

Rick Phelps has just launched a new website to help those dealing with Alzheimer’s.  It is called Living with Alzheimer’s 2011.  Below describe what and why the site was started.

Living with Alzheimer’s is what most of you know by now what Rick has been calling his daily video journey through this disease. It chronicles the ups and downs of living with Alzheimer’s from one day to the next. He speaks candidly of how the disease affects him, his wife, his family and his friends. Together we are on a mission to spread Awareness of Alzheimer’s. Please check out Rick’s YouTube site as he will continue to talk of the problems one may encounter with disease.  

Here is the YouTube link:

Rick has just launched another site called ” Living with Alzheimer’s 2011″.  Here you can become a member, talk in a forum, view videos, search for resources, find out about events and so much more.  Today January 11th ,2011 is our maiden voyage. 


Come join us!

Here is the link:

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