New Dementia Film “We Are Family,” Featuring The Butterfly Model
New Dementia Film Featuring The Butterfly Model
“We Are Family”
I am so proud of my friends Corinne Maunder and Cathy Greenblat who created this film, “We Are Family.” Dr David Sheard is the creator of the Butterfly Model featured in this film. Corinne is the Director, Producer and Camera Operator and she owns Fire Films. Cathy is the Executive Producer and Photographer for the film. These two amazing women have done several exceptional films on dementia care which can be found at this website: SIDE BY SIDE: LOVE AND JOY IN DEMENTIA CARE A MULTIMEDIA PROJECT.
I am looking forward to interviewing all of them on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio in the near future, so get your questions ready!
The Other Films They Made Below.
Reach Corinne Maunder & Dr. Cathy Greenblat:
I really enjoyed watching the videos. Thank you for sharing.