Open Mic Recording on Alzheimer’s Speaks

After watching or listening to this program, you will understand the importance of having OPEN MIC conversations where all are welcome to discuss dementia care.
This show was prerecorded on December 19th and had a wonderful group of people show up and share their insights and resources regarding dementia. We had the following people contribute to the show.
Marilyn Raichle – with Maude’s Awards but who also shared some insights on dementia care.
Craig Hanke – Lives with dementia and shared insights
Tracy Perkins – Author of Dementia Home Care which is available on Amazon
Truthful Loving Kindness – Lives with dementia and shared some insights.
Laurette Klier – Founder of Nana’s Book Series –
Deborah Snyder – Cares for her husband with dementia and shared 3 tips when caring.
Michael Ellenbogen – Lives with dementia shared a research study on the meaning of voluntary assisted dying to Australians living with dementia.
The study is being conducted by Adrienne Matthys from the School of Social Work and Arts at Charles Sturt University. Here is a link to that survey for those living in Australia
Here is also a link to an article about the study.
Dr Stan Terman founder and his assistant Barbara of Caring Advocated which specializes in Strategic Advanced Care Planning
We also discussed the importance of brain autopsies for research and below are some resources
Boston University Brain Bank –
Family members of deceased athletes may donate their loved one’s brain and spinal cord after their death to the UNITE Brain Bank to be examined neuropathologically for evidence of CTE or other disorders of the central nervous system. FREE
National Institute on Aging
The Brain Donor Project 513-393-7878
P.O. Box 111002
Naples, FL 34108-1929
Tips For All Events On Avoiding Chaos & Create Joy
Gift Ideas For Those Living with Dementia & Seniors
This one highlights print ideas from Mirador Magazine, Nana’s Books, and Reminisce Book Line by Kirk House.
This one highlights GrandPad, ReCallCue, and MapHabit.
Order Your Book Now – A Great Gift For Anyone At Any Age

Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling and feeling like they don’t fit in anymore. Bullying, Chronic Illness, Addiction, Divorce, Death and Dying, Ageism, Racism, and more.
We Appreciate Your Reviews on Amazon!

Lori La Bey talks with CareBrains Founders Ting Shih and Jodi Lyons About How They Support Families Looking for Eldercare.
Jodi Lyons holds the title of Chief of Care at CareBrains. She is also, an eldercare expert who helps older adults and those with special needs find the care they need throughout the country. An ardent patient advocate, Jodi helps people navigate the complicated, often convoluted system, identify what they need, and learn how to create an action plan. With more than twenty years of experience in the nonprofit healthcare arena, Jodi has been a leader in national and international organizations representing healthcare and long-term care service providers. She specializes in the practical aspects of dealing with cognitive issues and caregiving and lectures frequently to caregivers, attorneys, and financial advisors.
Ting Shih is the Chief of Brain at CareBrains. She is also the CEO and founder of ClickMedix, an award-winning AI-powered healthcare technology social enterprise born out of MIT with the mission of improving the health of over 1 billion people using mobile technologies.
She spent more than 10 years implementing mobile health programs across Africa, Asia, South America, and North America to enable healthcare to be delivered to anyone regardless of income level, gender, or age through telemedicine, AI, and health workers, to connect patients to world-class medical experts. Ting has worked with health systems, governments, research institutions, and private corporations to reduce the costs of healthcare systematically while reaching more underserved patients.
- What are some of the cracks in the healthcare system you saw missing to support families?
- Why was CareBrains started?
- What does CareBrains offer Families?
- Does CareBrains also offer services to professionals?
- What is the difference between normal aging and dementia?
- If you feel you are experiencing memory loss, what should you do?

Contact CareBrains
Instagram @CareBrainsOfficial

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.
Learn More About Alzheimer’s Speaks Below

Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks Can Help Your Organization With Staff Training, Family Support, Perspective Clients, and Support Gatherings.