Optimist Creed – A Great Philosophy When Dealing With Dementia

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The other day I spoke at the Bloomington Optimist Club.  First, I have to say I was not even aware there was such a club, but if you know me you know I leaped at the chance to talk to any group about Alzheimer’s disease and dementias.  The group was, exactly what I was expecting.  I mean what else would one expect given their name. They were upbeat, friendly and excited to learn.  This group is similar to Rotary, except you don’t have to represent a business to join.  All people are welcome.  They focus their fundraising and efforts on children’s needs, which there is a high need to educate our young regarding dementia.  There are some great opportunities with inter-generational learning; like Jiminy Wicket – the croquet game which engages all.  In addition so businesses were interested in becoming Dementia Friendly and Dementia Aware and using the Purple Angel symbol to help educate their clients, prospects and staff.

The members recited their credo and I was touch by their words and asked permission to share with all of you as I feel they are wise words for us all to live by.  Click Here for written credo.


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