Ideas For Happy Holidays with Alzheimer’s & Dementia


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The show starts at:

11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST and 4pm London time.

Please note all shows are archived for  your convenience too!

Today our experts living with dementia will be Harry Urban, Dena Dotson and Rick Phelps.  This is a special time of year and it is always so wonderful to learn new tricks and tips from one another on what we should consider when planning an event.  From traveling, to in your own home, to size of gathering, what to offer for food and beverage, to where to sit what to buy for a gift and how to have a great conversation.

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harry UrbanHarry Urban an Advocate Living with Dementia and

Founder of Forget Me Notdena_dotsonDena Dotson

an Advocate Living with Dementia

Rick_phelps_no_captionRick Phelps an Advocate Living with Dementia and

Founder of Memory People on Facebook

For additional resources and information check out Alzheimer’s Speaks Website.

Just click on the logo below


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