Quality of Life in Memory Care. What Does “Good” Look Like? Part 4 of 4 with Dr. Laird
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Today on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio, Lori La Bey is joined by Dr Laird, and Deanna Vigliotta with Seni as we wrap up this four-part series on what “quality of life and good care” actually looks like in Memory Care.
Dr. Laird is a Geriatrician and has 25 years of experience as Medical Director for two Memory Disorder Clinics in Florida. Dr. Laird is a passionate advocate for the support of family caregivers and co-authored the book Take Your Oxygen First: Preserving Your Health and Happiness While Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Deanna Vigliotta has an extensive 30-year healthcare sales and sales management background. She is a master collaborator who focuses on building relationships with healthcare professionals. Deanna joined the Seni sales team to better educate consumers, geriatricians, neurologists, Skilled Nursing Facilities – SNF, Assisted Living Facilities – ALF, Home Health Care, and Memory Care communities about the importance of choosing high-performing adult incontinence products to improve the quality of life for incontinent people as well as those that care for them.  In doing so she moved quickly into the role of National Sales Manager with Seni, supporting her teammates and Seni’s clients, to shift the mindset in the USA from adult incontinence products being viewed as a disposable commodity to high-performing incontinence products being viewed as a critical component to the continuum of care
Listen to the Radio Show Below

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FREE Resources Along With A Variety Of Services At www.AlzheimersSpeaks.com or Contact Lori La Bey.