Reigniting Life through Art with Alzheimer’s Disease

Reigniting Life through Art with Alzheimer’s Disease

This is a fantastic video which inspires and gives hope to those dealing with Alzheimer’s disease.

Please do yourself a favor and watch this video.


This video was made at the David W. Streets Galleries in Beverly Hills, California on November 5, 2010 at an event titled “Painting in Twilight: An Artist’s Escape from Alzheimer’s.” This event showcased the watercolors of Lester E. Potts, Jr., a sawmiller from Alabama who became an internationally-known watercolor artist after the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Sponsored by Cognitive Dynamics Foundation, Dr. Meril Platzer and the David W. Streets Galleries, the occasion brought together some 200 celebrities, philanthropists and art enthusiasts to raise awareness for expressive arts therapies to improve quality of life for person’s with Alzheimer’s disease and the caregivers. We thank Electro-fish Media for their expertise in making the video possible.

8 Replies to “Reigniting Life through Art with Alzheimer’s Disease”

  1. What a soul-warming story! My mother was an artist and now has very little interaction in her life. I’m saving up for an iPad so I can do digital finger painting with her (hoping this is one form of art that works for her).

  2. The video was awesome. To prevent this kind of disease we need to help our self by taking the right supplements, eating healthy foods and proper exercise, that’s the only things would help us to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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