Remember I Can’t Remember Authors, Plus The Remember Together Program by AFA

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Live at 11am EST, 10am CST, 9am MST, 8am PST

and 4pm London Time!

Alzheimer’s Speaks is an advocacy group promoting awareness and education to all around the world. We believe all voices need to be heard if we are to make a shift in our care culture.

eric heather anderson picOur first guests will be Eric and Heather Anderson, Authors of “Remember I Can’t Remember.”  Through their life journeys, caregiving has been one of most amazing and fulfilling one they have ever experienced. Learn how and why this happened.

eirc heather book coverWe hope you will join the conversation!

Contact Eric and Heather           Website








OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe are lucky to have as our second guest Charles Fuschillo, president and CEO of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.  We will discuss their highly successful Memory Screening and their “Remember Together” Programs; along with other efforts shifting our dementia care culture.


Contact the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

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