Richard Taylor – Insights Alzheimer’s disease from one who has it!

Here is some information I just received from one of our readers here.  It’s Jacque’s  interview with Richard Taylor, Ph.D done 2/1/11 and 2/3/11. It is very enlightening especially considering that he was diagnosed 9 years ago. Richard was interviewed as Jacques’ newsletter.

Here are the links to the 3 part interview.   It’s about 2 hours long total.  The goal is to get the information out to sa many people as possible.

Thanks Jacque for sharing this information!


2 Replies to “Richard Taylor – Insights Alzheimer’s disease from one who has it!”

  1. Hi Richard,

    I have been fascinated with your writing about your thoughts and experiences with Alzheimer’s disease. You will never know the insight that you have provided for me as a senior industry professional. However, I need more of your help.

    As a Geriatric Nurse, I have been working with people who have so little to enjoy and I have been testing a type of entertainment on DVD that I have designed for people with memory impairment. I would be so grateful for any comments that you may have.

    I am attaching the web site

    I am also attaching a recent mews story that ran in Atlanta about The Journey Remembered.

    I look forward to hearing from you soon. Gayle

    1. HI Gayle

      I will forward your message to Richard. This is not his site,but I just talked with him this afternoon and I wil lbe emaiing him shortly so I will add your comment for him to review. If you are interested in having me review your DVD and posting a story on the blog I would be glad to do so. Just send me a private emai lto Lori@Alzheimer’ andIcangetyou my address.. After my review there may be possibility of having your do an intervie won the Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio show too.

      Thanks for taking the time to write and share your website as a resource

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