Six Surprising Health Benefits That Gardening Provides

Gardening – Six Surprising Health Benefits

By Sam Choan

organic_gardenGardening as a hobby can be overlooked quite often because it looks like a physically demanding activity. Truth is, with a bit of good management, gardening can instead be one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In the following infographic by Organic Lesson, you can learn about six surprising health benefits that gardening can provide, especially for individuals who are fighting a courageous battle against dementia. For example, one study revealed that daily gardening could help reduce the risks of dementia by up to 36%. Gardening isn’t just a good form of physical exercise. Gardening is also a great way to train your brain in a number of ways, such as through socializing with other gardeners and through cognitive learning.

Gardening_infographicClick Above For Full Infographic

By Sam Choan, a gardening enthusiast who started his own urban garden last year as a way to improve his hectic city lifestyle. You can learn more about his gardening experiences through his blog, Organic Lesson.

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