Today I Start Fresh…Coping with Memory Loss


Lori La Bey of Alzheimer's Speaks


Today I Start Fresh…Coping with Memory Loss

By Lori La Bey



This is a prayer I wrote.  It can easily be changed to accommodate any religion.  Some days dealing with this disease I have to remind myself I am not in control and it is ok.



My Mother Unresponsive


Today I start fresh

I let go of all and let GOD take over

For I am his Sheppard, Let him direct me

Let him guide and protect me on my journey

For it is GOD’s Devine plan, not mine

I am just a tool in the scheme of things

Let me breathe deep and cleanse my soul

Let me see opportunities as they come before me

Let me react to all situations to maximize GOD’s plan

Let me be humble and forgive myself and others

Let me embrace the future and all the possibilities it holds

In his name I pray Amen

4 Replies to “Today I Start Fresh…Coping with Memory Loss”

    1. HI Marty

      You and me both. Actually, I’ve decided I need it everyday and now read itevery morning and every evening. It has given me great comfort and just helps me get my ego out of the way and let go and let God. Feel free to repost on your blog if you want or link back to us. I would be glad to add you to my resource website under great reads under blogs if you would like

      Have a beautiful day!

  1. What a hard thing to endure. My heart goes out to you, your mom and loved ones. I am so happy that you have Him to guide and console you. What we cannot bear, He can. Blessings to you and yours.

    1. HI Karen

      Thanks so much for writing. I checked out your website. It’s very nice. Hope you stay in touch! Feel to submit an article if you would like. I’d be glad to psuh you out to social media.


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