Turning A Difficult Diagnosis Into A Defining Moment

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio

Turning A Difficult Diagnosis Into A Defining Moment


Bob Savage will join us tomorrow, Tuesday, January 3rd, 2017.   Bob will talk to us about  how he is dealing with the challenges of being diagnosed as being in the early stages of Alzheimer’s in 2015.  Today we will hear Bob’s story and how he turned a difficult situation into a defining moment in his life.  Once again in Bob life, he is helping others through a troubling time in their own lives by creating community and tapping creative abilities and people with early onset dementia. Join us and learn more.  If you can’t listen live you can always listen afterwards at your convenience.


Contact Information

BoHello Light Website:  https://hellolightblog.wordpress.com/

Alzheimer’s Resource Center:  www.alzheimersresourcecenter.org

Stephani Shivers, Director of Community Innovations at the Alzheimer’s Resource Center

1261 South Main Street – Plantsville, CT  06479


Additional Resources

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3 Replies to “Turning A Difficult Diagnosis Into A Defining Moment”

  1. awesome AWESOME vid, but many folks with dementia have a tremendous problem finding where to click with the many distractions on these pages. Is there a way to share the video from somewhere that is less “busy” ??

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