Valentines Day: The Side Not Talked About

Valentines Day  –


The Darker Side

Most people think of love, happiness and joy on Valentines Day. The day is wrapped around those currently in our life as we celebrate our relationships.  Tokens of love like flowers, chocolate and jewelry allowing those feeling to linger, but for many others Valentines Day can be extremely painful.

The loss of a loved one in our life can trigger thoughts of longing for what once was.  Grief can take hold as tears roll down ones face and and the heart longs for the precious connection it once had. The longing of physical touch; a kiss, a hug or just holding hands is no longer possible.

For some, the pain of loss lingers way past the day marked on the calendar as Valentines Day.  For some, each and every holiday triggers the loss of the physical presence of the one they loved.

Earlier this week, I was in Indiana and Illinois at three Clarendale properties doing screenings of “His Neighbor Phil.” At the last screening, a woman in the audience can up and gave me a beautiful poem about love and loss. I wanted to share it with all of you.

The Poem is Titled

“Grief is the Price of Love”

The Author is Unknown


May this poem give those grieving some peace of mind and heart knowing the greatest gift one can receive in a life time, comes with two price tags…. grief and gratitude.

May we all be lucky enough to love so deeply and completely to feel both “grief for a great love” knowing it’s “sister gratitude” will help fill the holes in our heart and help us find peace in our life once again.


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3 Replies to “Valentines Day: The Side Not Talked About”

  1. Why Memory cafes are so important for those with early onset as well as all others……….

    One of my duties on a Friday morning is sorting out a 20 question quiz for the following days memory cafe. Do i copy it from the internet ?? You bet !! But whilst i am doing this i am also learning all the time (as i can also see the answers LOL) I feel INCLUDED and ENGAGED which are also the two Mantra words of the PA organisation,

    ” ALWAYS INCLUDE AND ENGAGE with people with Dementia”

    Its so important that we do this, and this is why we welcome anybody with ANY TYPE of memory problems to our cafe as we want to make sure nobody slips through the net. You should HAVE TO HAVE a diagnosis to come to a memory cafe, what about those in early stages who are worried sick that something is wrong and have no where to turn? At our cafe we have a mixture of people ranging from 42yrs old to late 80s who have problems and would not and could not turn people away.

    We also have people with memory problems on the door as well, checking people in, asking their names and giving them badges which helps them feel self worth and back in society, as well as exercising their brains and trying to remember names and faces, i have always said we must be doing something right when they all turn up on a saturday and most remember your name !!

    “Sometimes its the smallest things that makes the biggest impact”

    Much love, Norrms

    Diagnosed with dementia 9 years ago aged 50

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