Video – When Dementia Makes It Hard to Celebrate the Holidays

Dementia –

When It’s Hard to Celebrate 


Thank you Whoa Network for sharing this great video!


Check out Alzheimer’s Speaks For additional resources when dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease


8 Replies to “Video – When Dementia Makes It Hard to Celebrate the Holidays”

  1. I have dementia and felt very mislead by the title. What do people in early and mis-stages feel about the holidays? It would be a very interesting topic.

    1. Hi Jane
      I’m sorry if you felt mislead. I added dementia to the title as I feel it is applicable. This ws from a caregivers voice. I do the dementia chats webinars and the radio show on Alzheimer’s Speaks. ON both were those with dementia speaking about how they feel. Here are the links to both. Feel free to join on both. Dementia Chats is the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, and the radio show is every Tuesday with various topics. On Dementia Chats the experts are always those with dementia and we encourage our audience to participate in the conversation and pose questions.’
      Here is the link to that specific radio show
      Here is the link to dementia chats where we have had these discussions’

      I hope these help and that you join us in the conversations. Here is more information about the webinars


  2. Could you also include us in your written formats? I am familiar with your work and feel you are a true advocate to those with intellectual disabilities related to dementia. Thanks.

    1. HI Janet
      Thank you for writing. You are right I am an advocate for those with intellectual disabilities related to dementia. In fact when I was younger I worked with this population for almost 10 years. Can you be more specific on what you are looking for me to include? Are you part of an organization that works with this population? I have done a radio show on this topic and some blog articles int he past.
      Enjoy the holiday season

      1. I am part of two support groups, I have bvFTD diagnosed in 2006. You actually contacted me previously regarding being on your show after I commented on my thoughts about end of life decisions, but I hadn’t heard anything since and saw that you had already found others to do the show. I am also involved with a group that is aspiring to create a self-advocacy group for North America, we are hoping to send at least 11 delegates to the International Conference on Dementia in Puerto Rico in May.

        My career, prior to diagnosis, was as a Program Supervisor for the Advocate General of Oklahoma and a social worker for the State of Oklahoma. I also have a sister with ID and physical disabilities, with profound mental retardation, that I have been the representative for all of my adult life.

      2. Hi Janet,
        I’m sorry if I lost you int he shuffle for that show. I thought you had a trip or something is sticky out in my mind. My apologies if I messed up. I’d still love to have you on the show! We can talk about all the wonderful work you are doing now if you like. Have you ever joined us on dementia chats? That’s a webinar series I do on the 2nd and 4th tuesdays of the month? Let me know if you are still interested in doing a radio show and I will send you a private email.


      3. Lori, don’t worry about the other show, I’m not, although I do have very strong opinions which are unique considering my sister’s situation and mine. I would be more than happy to be on your program discussing a different topic. I am actually friends with most of your regulars, we have met through other groups and I have a lot of respect for them.

        I forgot to mention I was a participant in the most recent To Whom I May Concern production of Our Side of the Fence. It was quite enjoyable and a great experience. although I personally think I am more suited to radio than the

        I have not been able to participate in Dementia Chats in the past as it conflicted with a standing appointment in my schedule. My appointment has now been changed to Wednesdays, in part because I DID WANT TO BE AVAILABLE.

        Thank you for your interest I look forward to hearing from you. Jan

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