Videos By Carole Larkin To Help You With Dementia

I’m excited to let you know of a new video on You Tube that explains in layman’s terms the differences between Alzheimer’s and “dementia” and perhaps more importantly how to get a proper diagnosis.  Many, many families think that their loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease when their family doctor asks a few questions of the person, then says “It’s Alzheimer’s” and hands the family a prescription for Aricept or Excelon or Razadyne or Namenda (FDA approved drugs for Alzheimer’s disease). Well folks, it ain’t necessarily so!

The video I just put up on You Tube explains why you may have been short changed by your family doctor if he/she has done this and called it a diagnosis. I call this a “half baked” diagnosis, as opposed to a “fully baked diagnosis”. Take a look at the video and you’ll see why.



carole_larkin_pic_jpeg This video is only one of four videos I made on Alzheimer’s and other dementias. One of the other three concerns the basic biology behind Alzheimer’s in easy to understand terms.  The other two videos explain how to achieve better communication with those who have a dementia. You can reach all four of the videos by this link: Take a look at all of them. You may just take away something you never knew before.  If you have questions on what you have seen on the videos, email me at  or call me at 214-649-1392.


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