What Does Cooking, Motor Biking & Dementia Have In Common?

What Does Cooking, Motor Biking & Dementia

Have In Common?

Motor bikeDaniel and Emanuel motor bikr dessert

Not A Clue?  Read On!

Today, I am writing to tell you about Daniel and Emanuel, who are doing something amazing to raise money for Alzheimer’s Disease International.

Daniel and Emanuel are professional chefs that will embark on a sponsored 5,500km motorcycle ride from Argentina to Peru. The 6 week trip starts today will see them negotiate the feet of the Andes as well as the Americas tallest peak, the Aconcagua.

Daniel and Emanuel plan to cook their way along the route while raising awareness of Alzheimer’s disease. When Daniel’s mother, Emanuel’s grandmother, was diagnosed with the condition, they said family and friends found her memory loss hardest to adjust to. Daniel reflects, “Don’t you remember, I told you so, were usual words that hit her the hardest.” The pair chose ADI as their charity because they wanted to help people in low and middle income countries across the world.

motot bikeDaniel and mother motor bike Emanuel and grandmother

The duo will set off from Buenos Aires on the 10 January, traveling along the feet of the Andes 1,000km west of the city. They will then negotiate the path into Chile which stands at over 3,000 meters high. Arriving in Santiago they will head west to the pacific and then north towards their final destinations, Lima and Cusco in Peru.

Click hereto pledge whatever you can on their FirstGiving webpage

You can also be a part of their journey by liking their adventure on Facebook.

I have to tell you just love these stories!  Thank you Daniel and Emanuel!

Thank you in advance for any support you can give these men for raising awareness and taking the time to make a difference to improve our dementia care around the world.

For more information on dementia check out our website below


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