What Is A Verizon Boomer Party And Why Is It Important To Caregivers?


VWZ_BAdgeA Verizon Boomer Party is fun time

with a lot of free products given away! 

I have the honor of being one of the Boomer Voices of Verizon, which allows me to learn about all the “other” services and products that Verizon has to offer.  I can honestly say I did not have a clue they did anything but sell mobile phones.  Well, I’ve learned a lot, but in no way am a Verizon Rep with all the answers.

So why is it important to Boomers and Caregivers?

Do you want to reduce your worry and stress levels?

Could you use more time?

Would you like to save money?

Do you want to live a healthier life style?

Are you interested in new technology to make you life easier?

Well if you answered YES to any of the above you want to read on.

joann wendy anita danelle

Just a few of the gals


Yummy!round table judyA few more of the ladies enjoying their wine

BethLast night Anita Jader, my sister Verizon Boomer Party Host and I had our first of two Boomer Parties.  During the evening we highlighted a variety of products and gave away about $1,000 in products and gift cards; and of course we ate and drank, shared stories and met new people.  Below  are a few photos along with the highlights of some of the products and services.

Here Is What People Won!

Two Belkin Netcam HD WIFI Cameras

Go to this website and you could win one too!


kim pryafrockDanielle Kim is looking pretty darn happy!

My daughter one one of the winners on this product and she just loves it!  In fact, her boyfriend Steve got it up and running last night when she got home.  He has been having a blast playing with it and all it can do.  They love the free APP with the camera and the distance they can watch what is going.

Two Sure Responses


judy and kimClick Here for More information on this product

Judy and Kim where our two big winners for the Sure Response.

Two Fitbit Ones


Click Above To Watch The Video

For more information GO HERE

Two Fitbit Flex


Click above for move information

Both Fitbits really caught peoples attention.  They are a great tool to keep track of yourself  as a caregiver for both activity and sleep habits.  It’s a good thing most of us had older children or one of them could have been traded in the heated debates!  LOL

Here are a couple of the lucky winners

Molly, Nancy, Bridget, and Marianne

prize 2Marianne  MOlly fitbitnancy fitbit

Two $100 gift cards to be used towards a Pet Tracker

Two $100 gift cards to be used towards Home Connect systems

home_connectClick above for more information


prize wendy Well these luck ladies look pretty

happy to have won!

Joann, Nancy and Wendy

Two Broadband Routers with Voice

VRZ_braodband_routerClick above for more information

Information on Total Mobile Protection and Tech Coach

A Verizon Gift Bag to all participants with:

verizon bags

   FREE Phone holder for all participants

 FREE Flash Drive for all participants

 FREE Verizon Water Bottle

A Verizon Coupon for $50 debit card when you spend $100

 A Stylus pen

Let me know if you want might me interested in coming to the next one.  It will be sometime before X-Mas! Great gift ideas….


Disclosure:  I am participating in the Verizon Boomer Voices program and have been provided with a device and six months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the product.

6 Replies to “What Is A Verizon Boomer Party And Why Is It Important To Caregivers?”

  1. This looks like one awesome party! Great overviews of all of the Verizon products in your post and wonderful descriptions on how they can be so helpful to caregivers. And, I love the Verizon gift bags set up under the picturesque window…What a view!!

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