When Alzheimer’s Disease Hits Your Family or Circle of Friends
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Tuesday – December 13th, 2022 – 2pm EST, 1pm CST, 12pm MST, 11am PST & 7pm London GMT, 9pm South Africa SAST, and on the 14th at 6am in Australia AEDT

Today author Kirsten Levy of the book Alzheimer’s Fantasy in the Key of G, joins our host Lori La Bey, of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio.  Kirsten enjoyed a long career in research and administration at Boston University where she managed research, brought funds to the university, published several academic publications. She has an MBA in health care management. These twin pillars of her career, set in the medical environment in which she has worked, help her when Alzheimer’s Disease hit her family circle.
Call in and ask you questions or make a comment at (323) 870-4602.
Contact Kirsten Levy
Website My Irish family history and memoir | Kirsten Levy
LinkedIn   https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirsten-levy-79534a116/
Facebook author page https://www.facebook.com/klevy.writer/
Instagram klevy_writer