When The Movies Become Reality
When The Movies Become Reality
By Lori La Bey, of Senior Lifestyle Trends
This is an older post but one worthy of the holiday season. It still makes me chuckle thinking of this wonderful moment
Christmas with the Cranks
This one really through me for a loop. We went to see the movie, “Christmas with the Cranks.” This was a great family movie and all was going along very smooth. Mom was enjoying her popcorn and the movie. Then there was a scene where the whole neighborhood was protesting outside Cranks’ house. The neighbors wanted the Cranks’ to put their big inflatable Frosty the Snowman up on their roof like everyone else did. It was the neighborhood tradition. The next scene was the whole neighborhood standing in the street protesting the saying, “Free Frosty, Free Frosty.”
My Mother, who was not very mobile, hoisted herself up and out of her chair and was standing in our row holding onto the back of the chair in front her to steady herself, yelling, “FREE FROSTY, FREE FROSTY!” with the neighbors.
The entire theater burst into laughter, which of course egged my Mother on, and I was not sure she was going to sit back down. The scene seemed to last forever but when it did change, she sat down, beaming with pride that she had taken a stand for justice. For that, I was thankful. No harm done. Everyone had a great story to tell when they left the show.
Remember, you never know when a person with Alzheimer’s world of reality will change, so just go with the flow, if there is no harm being done to them or others. If the situation is causing a problem, then try redirecting or a distracting them, but don’t waste your time or theirs arguing what’s real or not, what’s appropriate or not. If it didn’t make logical sense to them to begin with, they most likely would not be doing what they are doing. Learn to embrace the innocents, the child they have become. Ask yourself the question, “If a young child did what they are doing would it upset you or make you smile?” You may find yourself amazed at your answer.
In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed the moment in the theater with my Mom as much as I do, each time I replay it in my mind.
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