Win a Free Copy of the Inspirational Book Life Choices: Putting the Pieces Together


Lori La Bey of Alzheimer's Speaks and Senior Lifestyle Trends

The book:  Life Choices: Putting the Pieces Together just launched this past weekend in Las Vegas.

Lori La Bey of Alzheimer’s Speaks is one of the authors in this inspirational book.  Her story is entitled “A Caregiver’s Nightmare – Mirror Image”

Here is an excerpt for the book –

Standing on the cold tile floor, I slowly raised my head and looked into the mirror.  I almost missed the presence of the pale faded face staring back at me.  Behind the face was a watermark of a wolf standing in darkness.  Its back was perfectly arched.  I heard its lonely howl and tried to catch my breath.  Paralyzed, I knew the wolf was me.

“No, it can’t be me,” my mind screamed in disbelief.  My body stepped closer to the mirror, leaned in, and peered into its depths.  This must be a dream, echoed in my hollow head…



To win a copy of Life Choices: Putting the Pieces Together go to this website:

2 Replies to “Win a Free Copy of the Inspirational Book Life Choices: Putting the Pieces Together”

    1. Why Thank you. I hope you get a chnace to read the book too. It has great stories in it with many life lessons. Did you post a comment on the link site? By doing so you might be the winner of he book give away!

      Take Care

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